Friday 23 October 2015


As I reflect on the past few days at Tay Shores, one thing keeps on appearing on my radar - our volunteers.

I have seen so many wonderful volunteers in our school over the past few days and weeks.

In order to run our Pizza Days, we require a number of parents to come in and collect money, take orders, count money, deliver pizza and clean up pizza messes. We have a number of amazing parents who have stepped up to help us with this program each Wednesday. There is NO way that this program would run without their support.

This is also true with our Breakfast Program. We have just started this program and we will be sending out more information in Wednesday's newsletter. In order to provide tasty, fresh and healthy breakfasts to our students we require a ton of volunteer support. From preparing the food, to setting up tables, serving students, cleaning up messes and washing dishes, our volunteers provide wonderful support to our students each morning.

In our office each day, Mrs. Morphett is helped by generous volunteers who help run our Safe Arrival Program. Following up on our daily attendance is a HUGE job and we thank our parents for assisting us with this task.

Our first School Council Fundraiser (Little Caesar's Kits) just wrapped up. This was entirely run by our parent volunteers.

As the week winds down and I see how great Tay Shores PS is, I just can't help but thank our Parent Volunteers for their support and generosity. It truly takes a lot of collaboration with various stakeholders to successfully run a school - thanks, parents, for helping us make Tay Shores the best school in Simcoe County.

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