Thursday 18 February 2016

Innovation PLCs

       The Tay Shores Teaching Staff have been in meetings over the last two days. During those meetings we have been sharing our classroom inquiries and innovations and asking questions of each other.
       Our meetings were designed to be run in 3 layers. On one layer we were face to face having a fairly traditional conversation. A teacher would present their work to their colleagues and we would engage in some rich discourse at the end. The second layer that was happening simultaneously, was that all of the teachers in the session were digitally working on a shared document, providing comments and feedback for the presenter (as they were presenting). Finally, all of the staff that currently have Twitter accounts were 'tweeting' their thoughts/ideas/inspirations as the session was going on, using the hashtag #tayshoresPLC. If you have a Twitter account, look up that hashtag and you'll be able to see a record of our learning.
       We have teachers using video and audio apps to capture student voice and allow for creativity. There are classrooms that are engaged in collaborations with children in other schools in, and outside, of Simcoe County. There are a few classrooms in our building that are innovating what the physical environment will be. Stop by sometime and see some of these new rooms - they are really interesting and are designed to inspire group work and creative learning. In fact, one of our teachers is calling their new room "The 'Co'laboratory". We have Kindergarten students who are using QR Codes and iPads to collaborate with each other and to communicate with other classes. How about our Grade One students who are asking their teacher to make their learning visible to others by being 'Tweeted'? We have innovated ways in which students interact and teach other students, including a new way of doing 'pen-pals'. How about reading your letter, en francais, to a student in Quebec and having them hear your voice and see your face?
        Really exciting things are happening at Tay Shores PS each day. Please come and visit via Twitter @tayshoresps or come in for a tour. We'd love to show you what we are up to!!

Tuesday 9 February 2016

21st Century Learning Rountable

        I had the pleasure and honour of representing Tay Shores PS and the SCDSB at today's 21st Century Roundtable in Toronto.
        This was a gathering of forward thinking educators from around Ontario, working, collaborating, creating and communicating our learning around innovative learning practices in our province. Around the room were Ministry representatives, Directors of Education, Superintendents, Principals, Teachers, Authors and guests.
         I was so happy to talk to the group about our student tech hubs and our school's innovative practices. I was also very proud to represent the SCDSB, as we are among the leaders in system change in the province. I love being a part of such a forward looking team. As we toured the the exhibits and listened to the presentations, it was clear that educators and leaders in Simcoe County are ahead of the curve in many ways. We continue to have a lot to learn, but it is nice to be in a position where others are calling on us for our experiences and expertise.
        The best part of today was hearing our own students talk about their experiences at Tay Shores PS. We brought them into the discussion, virtually, through Face Time. They spoke about their work on Genius Hour, 20% Time, and the re-configuring of their classroom environment. They also spoke about how they've helped to inspire their teacher in his attempts at innovation. What an articulate and inspiring group of students! I can't believe how brave they were in sharing their ideas at this conference. I'm sure I couldn't have done that when I was their age!!
         One of the things that we're learning through this entire process is that the student voice represents the moral imperative for change in education. One cannot help but be inspired to inquire and innovate when you hear their voices.
         I want to take this time to thank our young Titans for sharing today! So proud!!!!!